Tag Archives | hand balancing canes

How to Build Your Own Hand Balancing Stands

There are many reasons for using hand balancing canes. They obviously help with the balance, but can also be very useful for learning hand-to-hand handstands. Others use it to relieve wrist pressure or to gain more control.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Building hand balancing stands is not for everyone, but you can certainly build a set or two yourself and save some bucks – although this heavily depends on how much your time is worth to you.

If you’d like to skip that and just order one instead, you can do so here.

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Make Your Own Hand Balancing Stands

Below are two very detailed videos on how to make hand balancing stands. Having any kind of hand balancing canes makes it easier to balance and allows you to perform with more confidence and precision.

Even though the canes made in these videos are not ideal, you get pretty much all information you need to make any kind you want.

Feel free to skip to 1:50 mark in the first video.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Some people just enjoy making everything they can with their own hands and this goes for hand balancing canes as well. However, for vast majority of people it would be too tedious, risky and even expensive (materials + time) to create them on their own. Why not get a pair of hand balancing stands here and have it shipped right to your doorstep?

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Hand Balancing Act and Jumping on One Hand

A video of a woman performing hand balancing act from 2009 went viral again on YouTube. Here’s the original, long version of that video featuring incredibly strong woman practicing tough hand balancing routine on hand balancing canes.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Lack of space, a domestic setting and children in the background are no match for Anait Seyranyan, a professional Moscow-born hand balancer. Here’s another great video from Anait where she jumps from one arm to another on the hand balancing stand.

She also manages to stay in near-vertical position in a one arm handstand, which is definitely something you don’t see every day. Make sure to check out 17 Exercises to Build the Strength and Stability for the one arm handstand in How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor E.M. Orlick.

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One Arm Press from Straddle

This video shows a one arm press from straddle to one arm handstand on hand balancing canes done 11 times.

You can skip to about 1:20 when the action starts.

Judging by the reactions and build up it must have been a record at least among this group.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

One Arm Press is a super advanced skill. Doing it on two arms is outside what most people can do, let alone on one.

Thanks to Dunte for sending me this video.

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