Tag Archives | Handstand

Handstand on Forearms

The handstand on forearms is commonly called the forearm stand.

There are also a number of other names like the lion or tiger stand. In yoga it has been called Pincha Mayurasana or the Feathered Peacock pose.

It is a great exercise for opening up the upper back and shoulders. It can also be used for lower back flexibility. In the following video you’ll see a woman doing just that. Pay attention to the different positions she takes with her legs, and also how she starts off with support in this position. If you’ve never done the forearm stand before I would highly recommend doing it against a wall the first time.

I typically teach the handstand on forearms as one of the lead-up stunts towards the true handstand, as once you’re use to it, it’s quite easy to balance in. For more details check out the Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon
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Is A Handstand Easier Than A Headstand?

Are you asking is a handstand easier than a headstand?

The short answer is NO! (Although there are some exceptions.)

Let me explain why.

The handstand has a smaller base of support, i.e. your two hands, rather then the two hands and your head that are commonly used in the headstand.

The leverage of your body is also longer in the handstand then in the headstand, making your center of gravity higher, and thus it harder to balance.

Handstand and Headstand

For these two reasons handstands are not easier then headstands.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Here are the exceptions:

1 – You have cervical problems that don’t allow you to put weight on your head. If it causes pain or injury then a handstand may be easier then a headstand.

2 – If you’re talking about the hands-free headstand then yes the handstand is easier then this very advanced skill. To learn how to train the hands-free headstand click here.

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How to do a Handstand Against the Wall

In this article I’ll be showing you the most beginner stage of hand balancing, that is how to do a handstand against the wall. While most of this site is devoted to getting out in the open for freestanding handstands, there are many people that can’t yet do this simple stunt. And that’s okay. You have to start where you are and that’s what you’ll learn here.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

There are a number of things you must focus on when doing this. The first and foremost is getting into position. Doing a kick-up is by far this easiest way to do that.

This older video of mine shows focuses on the kick-up and how to do it to get into a handstand against the wall.

How to do a Handstand Against the Wall

The next important part is holding the handstand position. There are a number of important points here.

  • Keep the arms locked out. This places the stress on your bone structure rather then relying on muscle, which would occur with any bend in the arms.
  • Shrug the shoulders up to the ears.
  • Keep the legs together and toes pointed. This isn’t just for aesthetics. When you move further into balancing, having your legs tight really helps, so get in the habit now.
  • The back can be arched or kept straight. Both versions are legitimate handstands, they just have some differences in them.
  • Your head can be looking down at the ground or through the arms and looking opposite the wall.

When practicing first get comfortable with kicking up. You’ll need to increase or decrease the amount of force you use. Once you are good at that you can begin to hold the handstand position for time. And to progress you’ll continue to add more and more time.

Eventually when this is easy, you can begin working on balancing in the handstand.

If you’ve enjoyed this article on how to do a handstand against the wall please leave your comments or questions below.

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6 Steps to Mastery?

I’ve been practicing my hand balancing a lot more lately working on some new moves.

Its fun to see the difference between just working towards a new move for the first time and one that you have mastery of. In fact, just looking at this model I came up with 6 steps between the two (7 if you count zero ground).

0 – This is where you can’t do the move

As much as we want to, there are seldom times that we start off being capable of doing many exercises. No one is born with the ability to stand on their hands (heck, they can’t even stand on their two feet without much trial and error). But you go through the process and eventually gain the skills.

There are a whole bunch of progressions and steps you’ll be working on in order to work up to the given move. Like doing the lead-up stunts will accelerate you reaching the next step in the handstand. Full details can be found in the Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start.

1 – Shakily doing it first time

Wow! Isn’t it amazing the first time you accomplish something you’ve been working on for sometime. But chances are that first success is a bit ugly. Your form isn’t perfect, you might not have exactly the right position, but dammit it was close enough to count. It’s a success in my book.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

I remember the first time I hit an aerial. By no means was it perfect and flawless. I used tons of speed ion the takeoff and my landing was low and not in optimal position. But I did do it.

2 – Solidly doing it first time

After you’ve done that first shaky rep or hold, the next time you come back to the gym you will progress to something that is more solid. A better hold or a better looking execution. While some people may have doubted your first rep, there is no doubt here. You’re on your way.

When I was working on the back lever in a straddle I was getting close for sometime. Then one day I hit truly parallel and held for about three seconds. I was elated.

Straddle Back Lever

3 – Being able to do it several times.

Now that you’ve got a couple reps or holds under your belt its time to increase the volume. Many times when you hit something for the first time, you only manage one of that day. Sometimes you hit a genuine breakthrough and can all of a sudden skip to this step. Now you do several successful attempts at the exercise in one workout.

4 – Being able to consistently do it.

If it’s a tough move you may not hit it every single day you try. Some days you’re “on” and some days you’re “off”. But at level you’re consistently hitting it all the time, possibly after some warmup drills or lead-up stunts. Along with this your performance improves and your volume increases ever higher.

I’ve started working on a number of bent arm handstand presses recently. In the past my freestanding handstand pushups have been hit or miss. Now they are becoming consistent. Want to learn the steps I used? They can be found in a bonus chapter here.

5 – Doing it any time you desire

Eventually you come to the point where you own the movement. You can do it anytime. Fatigue doesn’t matter. If you were woken up out of bed in the morning, you’d still be able to do the exercise. In your training you’re increasing your timed holds big time or pumping out the reps.

6 – Mastering it and moving onwards

Beyond owning the movement you look to the next step. How can you make this movement harder? What else can you do that will take you to the next level? Basically, where are you going next that will start this process all over?

As my mentor says, “Do the drills and get the skills.” This applies to everything and with this model you may see what you’re working on in new light. Plus if you look between the lines there’s some training tips found within.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. With my increase in hand balancing practice I’ll have a lot more to write about and share with you, including new courses coming down the line. Stay tuned.

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Frogstand Tips Video

This video shows a tip for the Frogstand I came up with after working with a client on his handstand. Give it a try and see if it helps you out.

By placing your hands wider than shoulder width you can more easily support your body weight thus making the frogstand easier to hold.

On the flip side, if you wish to make it more difficult bring your arms in closer and/or straighten the arms in the frogstand position. This can add in moving forward with tuck planche work.

Want to get more tips like this that help you better to hold a handstand? Check out the new Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD 2.0.

There are just a few copies left with the special deal for the new Advanced Bodyweight Training.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Click here to get more details.

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Get In While You Can

I was working with a client again today and came up with something that can help you big in the frog stand, and thus work your way to the handstand.

I’ll shoot a video of it soon and put it online for you to see. (Should have had the camera rolling right then…oh well, maybe next time.)

That brings me to the new Secrets of the Handstand 2.0 DVD.

Thanks to everyone that picked it up over the past week.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

There is still time to get in on it. After all, it’s free. All I ask is your help in shipping and handling.

And you get to try out the new Advanced Bodyweight Training Monthly along with it too.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Starting now and over the next couple months I’m giving all the members what’s going to become my bodyweight strength training course.

And they’re getting it for a fraction of the price I’ll be selling it at later by getting in now.

People have been asking me about this course for years. I’ve finally just put it together so that anyone can become ridiculously strong with just four exercises (including the variations and progressions found inside).

Some of this material I have never seen covered anywhere else.

So when you sign up today you get an 80 minute DVD that shows you how to master the handstand. You’ll also get the first Advanced Bodyweight DVD covering one of the major exercises, that builds strength applicable to all hand balancing and acrobatic skills.

And over the next two months you’ll get the other four DVD’s to complete the course.

23 of 50 spots have already been filled. After this week is over this month’s DVD goes into the archives until the BIG course comes out.

Get in now while you can.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Sorry if you think I’m coming of a little pushy, but this is a insane deal and I highly suggest you check it out while I have it available.

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Struggling with the Handstand?

The vast majority of people that come to this site are beginners looking to get into a handstand for the first time.

Yes, there are those that can effortlessly hold a one arm handstand but they are few and far between. And everyone else is jealous of them of course. 😉

I was working with a client named Tom yesterday who has a goal of doing a freestanding handstand.

I told him that when I started doing handstands I made every single mistake you could. Only through my persistence was I finally successful.

But for Tom and you, it doesn’t have to be that way.

I told him all about the lead-up stunts and how these allow you to build the skills necessary to do a handstand but do it in an easier method then the handstand itself.

Can’t hold a stable headstand? You shouldn’t be working on the handstand. (I made that mistake.)

Can’t kickup very well? You should practice that instead of just the handstand. (You guessed it, another mistake of mine.)

Barely can hold a handstand against the wall for ten seconds? You should improve your position and endurance before going freestanding. (Okay, here’s one I wasn’t so bad in.)

As you may know I just completely re-did my Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD. This is 2.0. While I had upgraded it in the past this time it was redone from the ground up.

It totals 80 minutes long as there was so much information to cram on there that will get you into a handstand faster then anything else.

I’m testing something on a new site. But since you’re already a loyal subscriber you won’t need to subscribe again.


If you’ve been around awhile you may already have these gifts. If not, grab them know.

There’s a video that gives you more details on the lead-up stunts.

There’s a special report that details 10 mistakes people make when doing the handstand.

And lastly a mp3 of a special call I did with Jim Bathurst from Beast Skills that goes over all manner of hand balancing skills.

Then and only then if you want you can take me up on my ridiculously generous offer on the new Secrets of the Handstand 2.0

I’ll leave you to see why its’ so great by going to the next page.


How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you’re still struggling with the freestanding handstand run over to this page right now and see what I’ve got for you.


P.S.S. Even if you can easily do a handstand you may still want to check this out…

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Most Dangerous Handstand Stunt

Hope, pointed this video out to me. I just recently featured Rudi Macaggi doing a one hand handstand on a guitar.

But this stunt takes the danger level to an insane level.

(Obvciously Rudi is a professional and in no way should you attempt this stunt at home.)

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

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Amazing Hand Balancing Feats

I just read my recent copy of the Dinosaur Files newsletter available from Brooks Kubik. Great training information though much more about lifting heavy weights than hand balancing it did have the following interesting reports I thought worthy of sharing.

These originally come from Gord Venables in the magazine Strength and Health.

Greco Mangini could support his 170-pound brother Bruno for a full minute in a single-arm hand-to-hand stand. He also could walk 50 feet while holding this brother in a single-arm hand-to-hand stand.

At the York Strength Show on November 18, 1939, John Deimar supported five barbells on one foot while balancing himself in a handstand – and for good measure, drank a glass of water while doing so. (At any other picnic, they at least would have of let him enjoy a cold beer!)

I would definitely like to have seen these in action. I don’t even know how you would go about balancing fiver barbells on a single foot!

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

For those very skilled and reading this, maybe you’ll try to emulate these great hand balancing feats.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Gaining Skills at Older Age

I got this in just a couple days ago from Steve.

Thank you. I am a 60–almost 61–year old man, 6’1″, about 185 lbs. I have lifted off and on since age 15, trying to stay in shape. During my college years I did a small amount of handstands. I taught myself to do them by kicking up against a wall. Back then I could even do what I call handstand pushups, which I have always considered a true gauge of pressing strength. I figure that if you can do say, 10 handstand pushups, kissing the ground at the bottom of each rep, then you are pretty strong. I would even try to make them a little harder by putting each hand on a gallon paint can, and lowering myself between them. After a while, I learned to walk on my hands, but it’s been many, many years since I’ve even practiced any of this stuff consistently.
They say as a person ages they lose their sense of balance, unless they work on it. So that is why I am interested in your site. I watched part of your 30 minute video and already have learned some things. I’ve been kicking up against a wall and slowly lowering myself a few inches at a time, then pressing out, to try to develop my handstand strength. I also need to work on my balance. My goals would be to do a one-minute free handstand, to do ten “floor kiss” handstand pushups, AND to walk on my hands for at least one minute without falling. Not sure if any of these are attainable for an old geezer like me. Maybe my goals are too lofty; what do you think?

Thanks for coming by Steve.

Professor PaulinettiYes, I absolutely think your goals are attainable. While it is easier for young people to learn these skills this doesn’t mean anyone older can’t do it. Professor Paulinetti practiced his hand balancing into his 70’s before passing on at 76. Granted he was already one of the best but that doesn’t mean anyone can’t practice and attain new skills at any age.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Add to the fact that you have prior experience and I see no reason why you can’t get back to what you were doing in your college days.

My advice would be to follow what’s laid out in the Handstand quick start video. Work on standing still in a free handstand before you start walking around. And once you hit about 30 seconds in a free handstand you can add in the hand walking practice.

Add to that a few handstand pushups, which you can find more information about that here and here, and you’ll be well on your way. What you wrote, doing the partials reps, is an excellent place to begin.

Be sure to keep me posted of your progress.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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