Tag Archives | wrist flexibility

4 Tips to Keep Your Wrists Injury-Free

Hand balancing in general puts an awful lot of pressure on wrists and it’s essential to keep them safe and injury-free. To make sure nothing like that happens to you, follow these four rules by Tapp Brothers:

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

1. Always Warm Up
2. Develop Forearm & Wrist Strength
3. Build Up Flexibility
4. Don’t Over-train

The issue #8 of the Strength Health Mind Power Inner Circle focuses exclusively on making your elbows, wrists and fingers indestructible. If you’d like to buy that single issue, drop me an email at [email protected] for a custom link. It features 13 drills for wrists alone!

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Advanced Frogstand for Planche Progression

Learning how to do a frogstand is a must for anyone who wants to master the handstand. If you can’t hold a basic frogstand for at least a minute or so, you have no business trying to perform a free standing handstand.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Mike Fitch from Global Bodyweight Training shows a couple of great frogstand variations for building your way up to the planche.

In advanced frogstand, you’re putting the knees on the inside of your fully extended elbows, whereas in the regular frogstand the knees are resting on the outside of bent elbows – making the exercise much easier. This frogstand variation will help you strengthen the entire body, but it’s particularly good for improving wrist flexibility and balance.

After you get in a starting advanced frogstand position, flex your elbows slowly and lean forward to lock yourself in a more stable position. From there you’ll begin with alternating hip extensions while shifting the weight from one leg to another to stay in balance. Keep your abs tight at all times. Make sure to watch the entire video for detailed explanation of this advanced frogstand variation.

If you want more detailed instructions from Mike Fitch, check out his Hand Balancing for the Bodyweight Athlete DVD here.



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Regaining My Wrist

As you know if you’ve been sticking around here for a long time I’ve had chronic issues with my right wrist making it much less flexible then my left one.

With handstands taking some degree of flexibility this has made progress hard at times. In fact, it has gotten so bad at times I couldn’t do a handstand. (At least not a straight one, if you notice in some pictures I’m favoring my left side.)

Wrist Stretch

This stretch alone wasn't cutting it...

Walking around, presses, and forget about a one hand handstand on the right arm. At times its better, at other times its worse.

But in the last couple weeks I have made lots of improvement. This is because I have been following a systematic approach that hits the issue from all sides.

I truly believe that within a few months I will completely get over this pain that has held me back for nine years.

I write this message to ask who is interested in this information?

If it was one simple thing I would just write about it or throw a short video up explaining my process. But it takes more than that.

What I’ve been doing addresses the physical, nutritional, mental and even emotional sides of a bad wrist. While I believe this approach would work for just about any chronic issue, I can’t say for sure.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Of course, if you do have a chronic joint pain or problem I know you’re willing to try about anything to fix it up.

Just comment down below if you’re interested.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Wrist Flexibility Article

Many people have problems with this issue. I’ve decided to take my special report found only in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course and post it up in the articles section.

This will help anyone who has troubles with their wrists when doing hand balancing.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Wrist Stretching and Soreness

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