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3 Fast and Easy Handstand Drills

I often receive questions on basic handstand moves and drills from people who are just starting out with their hand balancing training. The following video contains three quick and effective drills for those looking to achieve their first freestanding handstand gradually.

And you can practice them anywhere!

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Already able to perform basic hand-balancing moves? Click here to learn how to walk and jump on your hands.

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5 Simple Hand Balancing Drills

Running out of ideas for your hand balancing training? Here are five exercises which will help you get back in shape for more advanced hand-balancing moves. Three drills shown below are done with the help of hand balancing blocks, while the last two can be practiced without any equipment.

Unfortunately, the owner of the video disabled video embedding so you’ll have to click here to see it.


Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Ready to take your hand balancing to a “higher” level? Get your hand balancing canes today to immediately improve your hand balancing skills.

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Difficult Planche Variations

If you cannot challenge yourself anymore with a regular planche, you may want to try out several advanced planche variations. Most of these moves are not something your regular bodyweight trainee is capable of, but they’re certainly good goals to aim for.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

1. Handstand lower to planche
2. Open tuck push back to single leg planche
3. Top position pull to straddle planche
4. Floor tuck push back to straddle planche
5. Straddle L Pull Back to straddle planche
6. Single leg tuck pull to single leg tuck planche
7. L-Sit push back to full planche

Head out to Gold Medal Bodies for a full planche tutorial.

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Handstand on an Escalator

I’ve seen people doing handstands in weird places, but I never saw anyone attempt to do one on a moving escalator. It’s actually quite astonishing!

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

What’s the weirdest place you performed a handstand? Doing one at an airport was a bit weird for me.

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Hand Balancing in Costa Rica

Mauricio Jara is a tricking master from Costa Rica. Tricking is a training discipline similar to capoeira which combines martial arts kicks with gymnastics and breakdancing. He recently shared a video on one of the aspects of this discipline – gymnastics, with a focus on hand balancing.

Sit back and enjoy this mind-soothing handstand compilation.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Interested in tricking videos by Mauricio? Check out his Facebook page here.

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Build Your Way Up to a Wide Arm Handstand

Chris Silcox just released a great tutorial on everything you need to know to build your way up to a wide arm handstand.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Chris recommends starting with a partial handstand press and gradually increasing the length between the arms. Once you feel strong and confident enough, put your knees on an elevated platform, hands on the ground and practice the same thing. Once again, when you feel ready for the next step, add a mat or choose a higher platform and do the same drill. Once you add another mat, your hips will be over your shoulders which will help with strength and balance.

Don’t forget to to use your fingers and hands to balance while in a wide arm handstand. For more tips on advanced hand balancing, be sure to check out The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.

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Artistic Balancing on Hand Balancing Canes

A hand balancer from Russia, Nikita Sukhanov, recently released a new video full of powerful balancing moves on hand balancing stands performed in a controlled manner. My favorite parts are at 0:43 and 2:55.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Apart from great strength and coordination, these and similar hand-balancing moves require a great deal of flexibility. If you’d like to increase ranges of motion, decrease pain and become MUCH more flexible, make sure to check out GMB Focused Flexibility.

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Basic One Arm Handstand Goodies by Miguel Santana

Miguel Santana is a Brazilian native hand balancing coach who travels the world with other well-known balancers like Yuri Marmestein, Sammy Dinnen, Yuval Ayalon and does what he loves – teaches people how to improve their hand balancing skills.

In the video below Miguel shows, what he considers to be, three basic one-arm positions: full position, half straddle and full straddle. These basic moves begin at 1:30 mark, but don’t miss the action before that part!

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Don’t forget to like Miguel’s Facebook page here if you enjoyed the video.

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Wicked Moves on Hand Balancing Stands by Imogen Huzel

Despite occasional silly moments from the author, the quality of moves in the video is actually pretty high. I especially enjoyed the part where the artist goes from the perfect one-arm handstand to a tucked in position.

Imogen is a student at the university of circus in Stockholm, DOCH and her speciality is hand balancing.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Do you know how to do the one hand handstand yet? If not, click here to learn a skill that’s at least 10 times as difficult as the normal handstand.

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2 Common Handstand Kick Up Issues (and how to solve them)

The freestanding handstand is not an easy move to perform, but to even get there you have to learn how to kick up (and make sure your handstand against the wall is solid, but that’s another story). Even though people usually don’t expect to have trouble with this part, underkicking or overkicking still proves to be an issue for many.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to safely kick up into a handstand.

Ready for more advanced stuff? Learn how to walk and jump on your hands here.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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