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Advancing the Basics: Headstand Variation – Sitting Upside Down!

With today’s post, we’ll be looking at another way to advance your basic handstand lead-up stunts. For this variation, we’ll be focusing on balance and dynamic stabilization with the headstand by adding an L-Sit!


When we get started with this aim to reach for 5 sets of 3 reps. That way you can build the necessary strength without going overboard.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon


You want to get started in the sprinter stance with the tripod. Kick-up from this position and hold the alignment.


Once you stabilized the alignment, grip your fingers to the floor and shift your hips back until your legs have reached at least parallel to the ground and then repeat a couple more times.


Another nice tip is to slightly round your mid-back. It won’t be visible in your alignment, but it can help to keep the load off of your lower lumbar!


Here is the complete video for you!

Be sure to check out the full handstand program here!

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Advancing the Basics: Frogstand Variation – Using Your Head 1 Min Tip

Here is the first official tip post of 2016 for LAOHB! Today we are going over the Frogstand. Specifically, we are going to take a look at a nice regression you can use to help build the stabilizers necessary to keep you balanced, while you are in this position!



Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

First you want to Begin in the Frogstand Position. Make sure that you are gripping the floor tightly with your fingers and that you have as much surface space that you can rest you legs on!


Second, carefully let the crown of your head rest on the floor as you drive your hips up. Reposition your legs if necessary to gain a stronger position.


Finally attempt to hold the position for at least one minute while you keep your back aligned with a posterior tilt.


An added benefit of this modified position is that you can use it to drive up into your headstand!


Look below to see the entire tip!

If you want to delve deeper into your hand balance training, go to Handstand Mastery!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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Returning to Basics: Kick-Up Wall Handstand 1 Min Tip!

With the year coming to a close, everybody is getting into the holiday spirit. Oddly enough, one of the things I’ve found to liven up a party and get people in the mood is to get inverted. It sounds funny to the uninitiated but it never ceases to amaze me about the stories my clients give me in regard to this. So, if you are new the journey, here’s a little primer lead up stunt to practice and give you a goal before those office parties start to hit!

Also, if you guys haven’t been staying social in our facebook page, make sure you like it as more material is coming out.

Finally, stay tuned tomorrow as Logan has a special series to help you with one of the most foundational lead-up stunts, The Frogstand!

Stay Inverted,
Coach Jon

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

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New Developments in The Lost Art of Handbalancing

Jon here! If you haven’t been to our facebook page you probably don’t know me yet, but I’m a new journeyman on the Hand Balancing Journey. I’ve been a fan of Logan‘s for a while now, so when he put out the word for body skill enthusiasts I raised my hand as high as I could.

The reason I’m saying hello today is because we’ve been putting in  a lot of effort into making our community stronger and really show off our enthusiasm for body skills. The community has been staying under the radar for a while and we thought it’s time to breathe some new life back into it! Over the next few months you’ll be seeing quite a few new changes. The major change is that we will be working diligently to bring together the handstand community and create body skill jams to increase our movement effectiveness and show off our passion for the art!

Oh and in case you don’t see the video below, we also have a new youtube page dedicated to The Lost Art of Handbalancing!

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon
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How to Build Your Own Hand Balancing Stands

There are many reasons for using hand balancing canes. They obviously help with the balance, but can also be very useful for learning hand-to-hand handstands. Others use it to relieve wrist pressure or to gain more control.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Building hand balancing stands is not for everyone, but you can certainly build a set or two yourself and save some bucks – although this heavily depends on how much your time is worth to you.

If you’d like to skip that and just order one instead, you can do so here.

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One-Legged L-HSPU Drill

To achieve that full handstand pushup, you’ll need to work on various progression exercises. This drill is amongst the good ones which are often overlooked, as one-legged L-Handstand Pushups are rarely practiced.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Some key points to watch out for:

  1. Keep your palms facing out to avoid wobbly elbows
  2. Make sure to place your hands close enough to the wall (as your head needs to go further ahead)
  3. Try to touch the ground with your forehead with each rep. If you’re unable to do so, go back to regular L-handstand pushups with both feet on the wall
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Spectacular Handstand Hops by Yuval Ayalon

We had a guest blog post from Yuval Ayalon a couple of months ago on his amazing 10 minute handstand feat. Today we have a much shorter, but equally impressive video.

While in a perfect straight handstand form, Yuval performs a series of very small and controlled jumps forward.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Before trying out this drill, Yuval recommends learning how to do and hold a handstand, initiating the hop with legs instead from your shoulders, keeping those shoulders elevated and finally – starting with only one hop.

Get your copy of “Walking and Jumping On Your Hands” today and discover the easy methods of learning to walk and jump on my hands.

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4 Tips to Keep Your Wrists Injury-Free

Hand balancing in general puts an awful lot of pressure on wrists and it’s essential to keep them safe and injury-free. To make sure nothing like that happens to you, follow these four rules by Tapp Brothers:

1. Always Warm Up
2. Develop Forearm & Wrist Strength
3. Build Up Flexibility
4. Don’t Over-train

The issue #8 of the Strength Health Mind Power Inner Circle focuses exclusively on making your elbows, wrists and fingers indestructible. If you’d like to buy that single issue, drop me an email at [email protected] for a custom link. It features 13 drills for wrists alone!

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon
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Handstand Dance

Do you want to learn how to handstand dance? This article and videos will show you how.

First we’ll start with a small section from Professor Orlick’s Walking and Jumping On Your Hands:

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

There are few things which go over better with the average audience than seeing someone dancing on his hands. Spectators invariably conclude that you must be terrific to be so good on your hands that you can not only stand, and walk, and run, but even dance on them. Yet dancing on your hands is not difficult, if you learn everything we have covered so far. In fact, you will already have done just about everything you will do when dancing.

The important thing now is to put it to music, or at least to a rhythmic beat. To start with, just turn on some dance music with a good strong beat to it, kick up into a handstand, and then try to move your hands in time with the beat.

Next, try taking little steps forwards, backwards, and sidewards, always keeping in time with the beat. Then, do some of the turns we covered above, but again do them in time with the music. By now you will actually be dancing on your hands, and even if you did little more than this it would still be enough to get a hand from any appreciative audience.

This video blends elements of dance with hand balancing and other acrobatics. You especially have to admire the flow from one move to the next.

Have you seen some great videos of handstand dances? If you do be sure to share them with me.

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Handstand on Slackline

Here on a video videos that show the handstand on slackline stunt. This is not an easy one to do. I would highly recommend you learn how to stand on your hands on solid ground first and also how to easily stand on a slackline on your feet too, before you try to put the two together.

I like the excitement here at muscle beach in Santa Monica as several people perform these handstands.

Here is another way to do a handstand on the slackline from already standing on top of it.

I’ve seen some professionals even do one handed handstand on the slackline, so this stunt can be taken pretty far.

One Hand on Slackline

One Hand Side Planche on Slackline

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon
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