Swiss Ball Acrobatics

There’s a series featuring two of the best athletes in the world, Damien Walters and Tim Shieff, who I’ve featured a whole bunch on this site. In this series they do a bunch of random acrobatic things together, along with some of their other friends.

To start with they work on a slack line, and they aren’t very good. This goes to show that just because you’re excellent at one thing it doesn’t mean you’ll be good at everything. Still the manage a couple near handstand that are probably beyond the ability of many slackliners. And if they stuck with it I’m sure they’d pick up skills very fast with their acrobatic base.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Then they move onto using a physio ball, also known as a swiss ball to try out new acrobatic moves. Some are awesome, but they also miss a whole bunch.

It’s great to watch a video like this where you see people just playing around with their skills, and how often they miss and make them. While your skills may not be at this level, the training could look much the same. Of course, it goes without saying that it’s not recommended to try any of these moves without a proper facility to train in, coaching, and making sure you only work at things within your skill range.

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  1. Clothing Related Acrobatics - November 26, 2012

    […] the previous episode with Damien Walters and Tim Shieff. var dd_offset_from_content = 40; var dd_top_offset_from_content = […]

  2. Swiss Ball Acrobatic Tricks - November 26, 2012

    […] TricksSeptember 5, 2012 in Strongman Mastery This video is similar to a recent one featuring Damien Walters and Tim Shieff using a swiss ball for acrobatic tricks. In fact, they may have gotten the idea from James […]

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