Tag Archives | frogstand

The Frogstand or the Crow Pose?

So today, I have another fun video for you that I’m hoping will show a different perspective on your body skill training.

Every person who trains their body has  a different view on similar or lateral skills. They might be in the same codified system or ones that overlap.

An example would be my friend Jonathan and I.

“Two Jons”.

One is hyper and the other is zen.

He’s a practitioner of yoga and martial arts. While I’m a combat enthusiast and movement trainer especial.

Since we follow lateral systems of movement, and the human body can only do so much, certain skills are definitely going to overlap.

A prime example would be the frogstand and the crow pose. They are basically the same move. What makes them differ from each other are the experience and accumulated depth of knowledge of the practitioners of different styles.

Which is why we made this video. Just watching, you’ll be able to see how we approach the same move. You’ll be exposed to multiple points of views and in turn have a stronger understanding of how to approach it.

Check out the video here!

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Stay Inverted!

-Jonathan Magno

PS If you’re looking for a fully codified system of hand balancing, check out the Secrets of the Handstand Bundle!

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Advancing the Basics: Frogstand Variation – Using Your Head 1 Min Tip

Here is the first official tip post of 2016 for LAOHB! Today we are going over the Frogstand. Specifically, we are going to take a look at a nice regression you can use to help build the stabilizers necessary to keep you balanced, while you are in this position!



First you want to Begin in the Frogstand Position. Make sure that you are gripping the floor tightly with your fingers and that you have as much surface space that you can rest you legs on!


Second, carefully let the crown of your head rest on the floor as you drive your hips up. Reposition your legs if necessary to gain a stronger position.


Finally attempt to hold the position for at least one minute while you keep your back aligned with a posterior tilt.


An added benefit of this modified position is that you can use it to drive up into your headstand!


Look below to see the entire tip!

If you want to delve deeper into your hand balance training, go to Handstand Mastery!

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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23 Handstand Exercises For You to Try Out

There are so many handstand exercises and variations that they could keep you busy forever. Instead of trying to master them all at the same time, it’s far more effective to focus on one at a time.

This video from Calisthenic Movement shows a number of basic and advanced exercises that should give you enough inspiration to start your training today and master a handstand exercise of your choice.



The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon


  • Freestanding Straight Handstand
  • Pike Press
  • Straddle Press
  • Tucked Press on Parallettes
  • Straddle Press on Parallettes
  • L and V Sit to Handstand on Parallettes
  • Frog to Handstand
  • Rolling HSPU (very cool!)
  • Freestanding HSPU
  • Tiger Bend
  • 90 Degree Pushup
  • One Arm Handstand
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Handstand to Crow

This post is about moving from a handstand to crow position. The crow is the common name used in yoga, for what I generally refer to as the frogstand. It is also called a bakasana.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

You’ll notice here the strap around her arms. This is a prop used to help keep the arms in the proper alignment. I’ve never tried it out myself, but it looks like it could be helpful in preventing the arms from flaring out.

Moving from the handstand to crow is easier then going the opposite way, the crow to handstand as is shown in the following video. Of course this can then be done with lowering back down in the same manner.

The handstand to crow and vice versa can be done with straighter arms or arms with more bend.

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Frogstand Tips Video

This video shows a tip for the Frogstand I came up with after working with a client on his handstand. Give it a try and see if it helps you out.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

By placing your hands wider than shoulder width you can more easily support your body weight thus making the frogstand easier to hold.

On the flip side, if you wish to make it more difficult bring your arms in closer and/or straighten the arms in the frogstand position. This can add in moving forward with tuck planche work.

Want to get more tips like this that help you better to hold a handstand? Check out the new Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD 2.0.

There are just a few copies left with the special deal for the new Advanced Bodyweight Training.

Click here to get more details.

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Get In While You Can

I was working with a client again today and came up with something that can help you big in the frog stand, and thus work your way to the handstand.

I’ll shoot a video of it soon and put it online for you to see. (Should have had the camera rolling right then…oh well, maybe next time.)

That brings me to the new Secrets of the Handstand 2.0 DVD.

Thanks to everyone that picked it up over the past week.

There is still time to get in on it. After all, it’s free. All I ask is your help in shipping and handling.

And you get to try out the new Advanced Bodyweight Training Monthly along with it too.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Starting now and over the next couple months I’m giving all the members what’s going to become my bodyweight strength training course.

And they’re getting it for a fraction of the price I’ll be selling it at later by getting in now.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

People have been asking me about this course for years. I’ve finally just put it together so that anyone can become ridiculously strong with just four exercises (including the variations and progressions found inside).

Some of this material I have never seen covered anywhere else.

So when you sign up today you get an 80 minute DVD that shows you how to master the handstand. You’ll also get the first Advanced Bodyweight DVD covering one of the major exercises, that builds strength applicable to all hand balancing and acrobatic skills.

And over the next two months you’ll get the other four DVD’s to complete the course.

23 of 50 spots have already been filled. After this week is over this month’s DVD goes into the archives until the BIG course comes out.

Get in now while you can.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Sorry if you think I’m coming of a little pushy, but this is a insane deal and I highly suggest you check it out while I have it available.

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Making Progress and Questions

This one came in today.

Hey Logan, I’ve only been trying to do a handstand for just under a week and with your website i am already able to hold a handstand for more than 10 seconds! (seems like forever to me) I’m going to keep on trying and maybe ill be able to do more advanced moves soon. thanks a bunch -Ryan

Excellent progress Ryan. Keep going and keep me updated on your progress.

And from a couple days ago from Samuel…

hello logan:

i have very good news!. i am practicing but is just that i’m kind of lazy for returning e-mails and leave comments on your web.. but i am getting better… i saw the video that you sent me the ”quick-start” it was GREAT!!.. i loved the video.. and i practice with the first four skills that you mentioned

1.wall handstand: this one i can do it perfectly and even more than a minute
2. frogstand: i can do it.. but is difficult to hold the position for a minute.. i wish you could give me some help with this
3.headstand: is difficult even doing it on the wall.. the head hurts me a lot every time i do this one.. i can’t even last 10 seconds
4. forearmstand: this one i’m doing it well.. on the wall.. but when i try to do it off the wall.. it results to be very difficult.. i can’t hold it even for 5 seconds

wish you could help me with these problems … and is very good to know that you care

I’ll start off by saying it’s hard for me to comment without more details but I’ll give it a go.

1. Great job on the handstand.

2. How far along you coming? If you’re hitting a time you can’t get past after you get there go to your feet for a second or two then get right back in the frogstand. Do this a couple times and it’ll build you endurance.

Another key point is to really work the fingertip and wrist control. Focus on that.

3. Are you doing it on a hard floor? Whatever the case, get more cushions. Put enough padding so that it doesn’t hurt. Overtime as you get use to it you’ll be able to minimize the padding you need.

4. The forearm stand can be tricky. You can try doing it with the one toe touch method I teach for the handstand except using the wall in this move. That should help.

That should help you to get started.

Alright, I’m off to practice some more myself.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Earlier today I was working with a new tool that’s fun and helpful. I’ll have more details on that in a week or two.

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