Tag Archives | presses

Incredible Calisthenics Moves by Andrea Larosa

In today’s video we have calisthenics practitioner from Italy, Andrea Larosa, showing various moves in his video compilation including one handed L-sit, planche pushups, handstand variations, bent arm presses and much more, both on bars and ground.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Interesting in bodyweigh training? My Beginner’s Handstand System is worth checking out in order to build foundational strength and gradually progress to more advanced bodyweight exercises.

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Unbelievable Strength Workout by Simon Ata

Simon “Simonster” Ata is a professional break-dancer from Melbourne, Australia. In this video he performs an insane bodyweight workout which he uses to stay incredibly strong and maintain ripped physique. Here are just some of the moves performed by Simonster in a single workout:

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon
  • Various presses
  • One leg backflips
  • Clapping Planche pushups
  • Handstand to planche pushup
  • Kip ups
  • Jumping on one hand
  • One hand press
  • Windmills

In addition to Simon’s extraordinary skills, this video shot at the Hanger 4 Mixed Martial Arts Studio in Melbourne was professionally edited, so it’s not surprising it went viral so quickly. Definitely a must watch!

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