The Straddle Press Up

Lets see if you’ve noticed a theme here.
Over the past week I’ve been talking about a specific treasure of knowledge. The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.
In the last entry I gave you a technique found in the book that you would be able to test out. Today, I’m giving you another go-to. This installment involves the Straddle Press Up.
If you need an idea of what it looks like, here is a variation from Logan.

Sit along a set of parallel bars, or on chair legs with the chair lying on its back, spread the legs apart as far as they will go. With the knees rigid, and toes pointed; catch hold of the legs of the chair just in front of your legs.
Close up, hold the chest high, and stiffen the arms with elbows straight. Then lift the shoulders as high as possible, and lean forward; taking all the weight on the arms and press up to the handstand. As your legs are rising, point the toes, and gradually bring the legs together.
Just as you are up all the way in the balance, hold this a couple of seconds, then lower down slowly with the body and legs straight. You should feel as though you were going to hold the planche, but instead go slowly all the way down through the planche until the feet are on the floor; or in a sitting position, as you started.

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

P.S. Take a look at the past to develop your hand balancing journey with The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.

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