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Artistic Balancing on Hand Balancing Canes

A hand balancer from Russia, Nikita Sukhanov, recently released a new video full of powerful balancing moves on hand balancing stands performed in a controlled manner. My favorite parts are at 0:43 and 2:55.

Apart from great strength and coordination, these and similar hand-balancing moves require a great deal of flexibility. If you’d like to increase ranges of motion, decrease pain and become MUCH more flexible, make sure to check out GMB Focused Flexibility.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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How To Strengthen Your Wrists

Having enough wrist strength is a crucial part of an injury-free handstand training. Furthermore, not everyone has enough flexibility to keep their hand back 90 degrees for an extended period of time.

In this video by Chris Silcox you can learn several techniques to improve your wrist strength, flexibility and general upper body strength needed for various hand-balancing moves.

If you’re looking to truly make your entire body indestructible, check out this guide to improve mobility, flexibility and strength.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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How to Build Your Own Hand Balancing Stands

There are many reasons for using hand balancing canes. They obviously help with the balance, but can also be very useful for learning hand-to-hand handstands. Others use it to relieve wrist pressure or to gain more control.

Building hand balancing stands is not for everyone, but you can certainly build a set or two yourself and save some bucks – although this heavily depends on how much your time is worth to you.

If you’d like to skip that and just order one instead, you can do so here.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon
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Balancing on Knifes

There are acrobats in almost every season of America’s Got Talent and the latest one is no different. Two Vladimir’s from Ukraine are seen performing a lot of hand-to-hand balancing acts followed by a daring act in which one of them balances on top of another via knifepoint.

Pretty scary stuff, especially considering their previous hand-to-hand move was a bit wobbly.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Do you think they’ll make it far into the show?

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Basic One Arm Handstand Goodies by Miguel Santana

Miguel Santana is a Brazilian native hand balancing coach who travels the world with other well-known balancers like Yuri Marmestein, Sammy Dinnen, Yuval Ayalon and does what he loves – teaches people how to improve their hand balancing skills.

In the video below Miguel shows, what he considers to be, three basic one-arm positions: full position, half straddle and full straddle. These basic moves begin at 1:30 mark, but don’t miss the action before that part!

Don’t forget to like Miguel’s Facebook page here if you enjoyed the video.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon
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Wicked Moves on Hand Balancing Stands by Imogen Huzel

Despite occasional silly moments from the author, the quality of moves in the video is actually pretty high. I especially enjoyed the part where the artist goes from the perfect one-arm handstand to a tucked in position.

Imogen is a student at the university of circus in Stockholm, DOCH and her speciality is hand balancing.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Do you know how to do the one hand handstand yet? If not, click here to learn a skill that’s at least 10 times as difficult as the normal handstand.

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2 Common Handstand Kick Up Issues (and how to solve them)

The freestanding handstand is not an easy move to perform, but to even get there you have to learn how to kick up (and make sure your handstand against the wall is solid, but that’s another story). Even though people usually don’t expect to have trouble with this part, underkicking or overkicking still proves to be an issue for many.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to safely kick up into a handstand.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Ready for more advanced stuff? Learn how to walk and jump on your hands here.

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Five Ab Workouts on Parallel Bars

It’s pretty much impossible to become an excellent hand balancer if don’t have very strong abs. Without strong abs your back has to over compensate and you don’t want that.

Here are five exercises by Incite Fitness on parallel bars which will help strengthen your abs:

1. Leg Raises
2. X’s
3. Scissors
4. Knee tucks
5. L-Seats

Some of these are pretty advanced, so you might want to start with something a bit easier. Check out my Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Ab Exercises to discover the best bodyweight exercises for abs development with tons of progression workouts.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon
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Creative Moves by Gravity & Other Myths

Today’s video comes from a bunch of people who look like they’re on a vacation, but still manage to pull out some amazing moves in combination of free running, hand balancing and other amazing stuff – like playing a piano with a hand balancer on top of you!

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

This uplifting video comes from Gravity & Other Myths, a well-known Australian acrobatics ensemble.

Are you interested in any of my training programs or books? Then make sure to sign-up to my newsletter here TODAY and you’ll receive a special coupon code tomorrow (5/13/2015) for 30% off on my products!

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High-Rep Handstand Push-up Sets

Today we have a motivational video coming from Metin Dabak. Not only did he manage to perform 50 handstand pushups in five sets, but he claims to have done them in supersets with weighted chinups. Impressive strength and conditioning!

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Work your way up to your first handstand pushup rep. Learn how to progress quickly here!

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