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Spectacular One Arm Handstand Control by Andrey Moraru

Andrey Moraru is hand balancer from Moldova who joined a circus at the age of 11 and specialized in hand balancing.Even with that much experience under his belt, the balance and control of his moves is still astonishing.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

The title of the video speaks for itself.

While I can’t promise you that you’ll be able to master one arm handstand quickly, I CAN show you the fastest way to master the regular handstand. Click here to find out more.

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Incredible Calisthenics Moves by Andrea Larosa

In today’s video we have calisthenics practitioner from Italy, Andrea Larosa, showing various moves in his video compilation including one handed L-sit, planche pushups, handstand variations, bent arm presses and much more, both on bars and ground.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Interesting in bodyweigh training? My Beginner’s Handstand System is worth checking out in order to build foundational strength and gradually progress to more advanced bodyweight exercises.

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How to Perform a Human Flag On Parallel Bars

61 year old Paul Scott often hangs out at the Santa Monica Rings where he can be seen performing the human flag and holding it for quite some time. In this very cool video he gives instructions on the human flag using parallel bars to a random guy who just happened to be there and wanted to learn.

I’ve never seen this technique before. It relies on using legs to get upside down and then slowly laying your body out using parallel bars.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

More in-depth tutorial on how to do the human flag on regular poles can be found here.

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Three Simple Drills on Hand Balancing Blocks

Another video from Yuval Ayalon brings us three simple hand balancing drills on cubes, which can be done separately or in combination depending on one’s skill level. These are great for those who are still new to training on hand balancing canes and serve as a good preparation tool for more advanced moves.

For more information on these cubes feel free to contact Yuval at yuvalonhands (at) gmail dot com, but if you’re more interested in hand balancing canes head over to this page right now.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon
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Extraordinary Head Balancing Moves

While a handstand takes some practice and time to achieve, it’s still a fairly easy move to learn and perform. On the other hand, freestanding head balancing is a whole different kind of beast which requires immense balancing capabilities  strong core and neck as well. And Dan in the video below definitely has one!

Enjoy this fantastic video on freestanding head balancing on a stump.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Do NOT attempt to replicate this if you don’t know what you’re doing. It can lead to very serious injuries, especially in beginners. I’d strongly recommend building a strong and flexible neck first and foremost. Find the best way to do this here.

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Parkour Flow Drill

Today’s video comes from my friends the Tapp Brothers and it’s all about improving your flow and creativity in parkour.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

The point of this and similar drills is to get used to natural movements so you don’t have to think much when you actually end up in a high stress situation; and avoid possible injuries at the same time. Aside from that, you’ll boost your creativity, agility and coordination if you perform the drill on a regular basis.

If you’re just getting started with parkour, the Tapp Brothers will teach you this and many other crucial things in their Parkour Crash Course.

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Crazy Battle Of The Bars at LA Fit Expo 2015

LA Fit Expo is among the biggest fitness events in the USA, featuring 24 competitions including parkour/freerunning, feats of strength, strongman, powerlifting and many more, along with Battle of the Bars.

The video below is from the main event of the Battle of the Bars between Tatted Strength and Samer Delgado. Get ready for parallel handstand pushups, parallel and regular planches, various levers, jumps, spins…and even a backflip on a bar and a six-fingers planche.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

I was actually there, but haven’t had enough time to really enjoy the show as I was too busy running a booth with my brother for our herbal company, SuperMan Herbs. If you are tired of supplement companies who load their products with all kinds of stuff and want to focus on your health first and foremost, check us out at SupermanHerbs.com .

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Incredible Training Compilation by Daniel Tsinis

Here’s an awesome video compilation of various hand balancing moves from an ex-gymnast who just recently changed the focus of his training to hand balancing. Lots of presses, one arm hand balancing, handstands…

Weather you’re a fan of hand balancing, tumbling, breakdancing or gymnastics in general, I promise you’ll enjoy this video by Daniel Tsinis.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Click here to start your hand balancing training today.

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How to Perform Backroll to Handstand

Performing back roll to a handstand is a pretty cool exercise by itself, but it’s also very beneficial for those looking to improve their back handsprings. Make sure to learn how to perform a handstand first and master basic rolls before you attempt this move.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon
  1. Get use to doing regular forward and back rolls. Tumbling and Acrobatics Starter Package contains everything you need to learn these basic moves.
  2. Move up to higher rolls and get comfortable with them. You’ll know you’re ready for the next step once you start using your legs to kick up, instead of relying on arms strength.
  3. Push-up harder with your arms while rolling back while trying to gain control, but do not attempt to get into a handstand yet.
  4. Instead of going straight for the rollback to handstand, roll forward OUT of the handstand and then practice rolling back to the handstand
  5. The last step is to master syhronizing kick-up with the pushing up of the arms.

Have fun!

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How to Land Safely From the Parallettes Handstand

The first part of the video from GMB covers how to get out of bent arm stand, but for purpose of this post we’ll focus on the second part which teaches us how to bail out from a handstand on parallettes. The technique used for both is pretty similar anyway – a cartwheel, but with a twist.

Instead of going up and over, this technique relies on:

  • Pushing, twisting and going out at an angle
  • Keeping your arms straight
  • Gradual practice of kicking up and going over

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

For this and other exercises which can be done with or without parallettes, make sure to check out Gold Medal Bodies Parallettes Training program.


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