Tag Archives | Acrobatics

1 Min Tip: Acrobatic Attributes – The A Frame

Logan and I are always looking for ways to increase the effectiveness of  you training with handbalancing and luckily we’ve found a great resource from our friends at Gold Medal Bodies. This new set of videos that were inspired by the wealth of information in their foundational programs will simultaneously develop your strength, mobility, and biomechanics needed for acrobatics.

Here is the  first video in the Acrobatic Attributes Series: The A Frame


Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

The A Frame is a great position to work on in order to build your hip and back strength and mobility. It will teach you how to use your hips for lead up stunts like the kick-up wall handstand or the kick-up in general!


You want to start out in an Athletic Stance and then bring your hands to the floor.


One of the key components you want to pay attention to is the straightening of your legs and back while keeping your biceps by your ears and driving your hip up!


Be sure to check out the full 1 min. tip below.

Also if you are looking to really develop your foundation for anything in your acrobatic skillset check out the GMB Elements program here: https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/go/elements/

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Straddle Bat

Ok guys! In today’s post, we’ll be jumping once again into the AcroYoga series with Noga. Today Noga will be working with the Straddle Bat or Back to Bat Position.


She starts out by placing having her flyer rest their glutes on her feet. The flyer leans back and clasps the hands of the base.


Next the flyer releases the hands of the base and stabilizes on the feet.


The flyer slowly leans back and the base creates a new post on the flyers shoulders.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon


Finally the Flyer becomes inverted into the straddle position. (Note the change in foot placement.)


To get the full tutorial with tips, watch the video below!

Allright guys! As you can see flexibility on the part of the flyer is important for this position. If you want to build a strong back with mobility and stability check out our Advanced Bridging Course here!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

P.S.  Stay tuned for Friday as we’ll be unveiling our new set of 1 min tips that will help you build a strong foundational base for your acrobatic skills!

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Throne

In today’s post. We’ll be revisiting Beginner AcroYoga with the The Throne Tutorial. Noga runs you through four different variations as well as spotting tips.


1) The first position is the Basic Mount.


2) Next Noga runs you through the Straddle Throne position.


3) Followed by it’s opposite, the Reverse Throne.


Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

4) Finally, she takes you through your first transition with the  Bird to Throne position.


Take a look at the full video below!

If you want to get better at hand balancing with a systematic approach, check out our Handstand Mastery Course!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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Blast From the Past: Back Lever Leg Raises

Hey guys! Check out this blast from the past on the Gymnastic Rings from Logan! In this Video, Logan performs a Back Lever into a Leg Raise.


Back Lever Leg Raises are a great way to mimic a Reverse Hyper Machine while using Rings.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon


Take a look at Logan’s demo below!

Don’t forget that our friends at Gold Medal Bodies have revamped their Rings One Program and if you act before tomorrow ends, you can receive two special bonuses including shoulder health and a conditioning workout using the gymnastic rings!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Front Bird


For today’s post, we’ll be looking at the Front Bird Tutorial. Noga goes over quite a few tips involve safety and balance. Be sure that you are ready we the base, the flyer, and the spotter. Watch the video below to learn your first move!

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Increase your flexibility and stabilization with the Tiger Bend.

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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Happy Hump day and what would you like!?


Happy Hump Day everybody! As you all know we have been working hard making Lost Art of Hand Balancing bigger and better! A part of that process is in seeing what you guys are interested in. Which tips you found the most benefits in and also what you would like to see in the future. So, with that said, we’d appreciate it if you send us a shout and let us know what YOU WANT!

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon


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Advancing the Basics: Frogstand Variation – Using Your Head 1 Min Tip

Here is the first official tip post of 2016 for LAOHB! Today we are going over the Frogstand. Specifically, we are going to take a look at a nice regression you can use to help build the stabilizers necessary to keep you balanced, while you are in this position!



First you want to Begin in the Frogstand Position. Make sure that you are gripping the floor tightly with your fingers and that you have as much surface space that you can rest you legs on!

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon


Second, carefully let the crown of your head rest on the floor as you drive your hips up. Reposition your legs if necessary to gain a stronger position.


Finally attempt to hold the position for at least one minute while you keep your back aligned with a posterior tilt.


An added benefit of this modified position is that you can use it to drive up into your headstand!


Look below to see the entire tip!

If you want to delve deeper into your hand balance training, go to Handstand Mastery!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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So I checked my email… and found a surprise!

Hey Everyone!

Today’s post is going to be a little bit different. Yesterday I was setting things up for the coming year with LAOHB and received something in my email from Logan that made my day. Its great when I get to see how this information has helped others as much as its helped me and I wanted to share what this person said:

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Hi Logan,

I was a bit slow in actually implementing the lead up practices into my regular practice, but once I did I started to notice changes quite quickly. Then suddenly last week something ‘clicked’ and freestanding handstands just started happening quite naturally. I think my holds are somewhere around the 20 second mark at the moment. However, I can still feel that my shoulder positioning and body alignment needs work.
I am grateful for the info in the quick start guide – I found it to be very grounded and pragmatic. It’s nice to leave behind some of the ‘sets and reps’ thinking and just play a bit.
Will definitely be checking out some of the other products on your site.
Many thanks,
So, how has being a part of this community helped you with your goals?
-Stay Inverted
Coach Jon
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Better Late Than Never: Happy New Year!

Its the first full official week of the New Year and we wanted to make sure that we didn’t forget to wish you a Happy and Successful year in all of your endeavors!


If you need any helpful tips or even a pathway to keep you productive on your hand balancing journey pick up the Handstand Mastery Course!

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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Running a Human Loop

We haven’t had a Damien Walters video for a while and this one is pretty awesome. If you didn’t know, Damien is one of the greatest acrobats in the world and this video just goes to show what he is capable of.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

We’ve seen bicycles, bikes and even cars running a loop. But what about using your own feet instead?

It’s really worth watching the whole thing, despite the fact that it’s basically a commercial for a soft drink.

If you want to be able to tumble and run like Damien Walters, there is a lot of practice ahead of you. But let me point you in the right direction – Tumbling and Acrobatics Starter Package.

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