Tag Archives | acroyoga

AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Therapeutic Flying

Hey Everyone! You know that there have been quite a few posts on Acroyoga this month. With it being Valentines (and Deadpool for those of you who caught my Saturday email) month we felt it would be great to showcase a different type of hand balancing with a partner. In today’s post, Noga is going to go over a more therapeutic side of acroyoga involving thai massage!


The first position has the base posting on the hips and shoulders of the flyer. They then bend their knees independently or together to open up the flyer’s hips. The flyer should stay relaxed the entire time.


Up next are flyer circles. The base will take the flyer into forward and back circular pattern to open up the shoulder and hips with increasing leverage.


In the next position, Noga runs her flyer through a spinal twist to gain an inverted thoracic stretch.


Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Another stretch is to have the flyer elongate their spine while the base lengthens their position from the ground,


Noga goes through many more positions in the video that you can catch below!

One last thing! Flexibility and core stabilization is key for both the flyer and the base. So don’t forget that Logan and I have a special February deal for the advanced bridging course. Increase your core strength and mobility by going here!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – AcroYoga poses (with instructions)

In today’s post, Noga goes over a few different Acro poses that you can do with your partner. Its going to take a lot of coordination, flexibility, and stabilization to put them together so make sure you have a comfortable foundation before you get started!


The first Pose is the Bird to Full Bow.  As you are going through the pose, be sure to keep your arms extended in case your flyer loses balance during the transition.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

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Next up is the Throne to Mermaid Pose.

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You can also get more detailed info on these as well as catch the other poses Nataraj and High Flying Whale by watching the clip below!

Don’t forget guys, we’ve got a great deal on the advanced bridging program this month. If you’re looking to really increase your flexibility, check it out here!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Straddle Bat

Ok guys! In today’s post, we’ll be jumping once again into the AcroYoga series with Noga. Today Noga will be working with the Straddle Bat or Back to Bat Position.


She starts out by placing having her flyer rest their glutes on her feet. The flyer leans back and clasps the hands of the base.


Next the flyer releases the hands of the base and stabilizes on the feet.


The flyer slowly leans back and the base creates a new post on the flyers shoulders.


Finally the Flyer becomes inverted into the straddle position. (Note the change in foot placement.)


To get the full tutorial with tips, watch the video below!

Allright guys! As you can see flexibility on the part of the flyer is important for this position. If you want to build a strong back with mobility and stability check out our Advanced Bridging Course here!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

P.S.  Stay tuned for Friday as we’ll be unveiling our new set of 1 min tips that will help you build a strong foundational base for your acrobatic skills!

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon
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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Throne

In today’s post. We’ll be revisiting Beginner AcroYoga with the The Throne Tutorial. Noga runs you through four different variations as well as spotting tips.


1) The first position is the Basic Mount.


2) Next Noga runs you through the Straddle Throne position.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon


3) Followed by it’s opposite, the Reverse Throne.


4) Finally, she takes you through your first transition with the  Bird to Throne position.


Take a look at the full video below!

If you want to get better at hand balancing with a systematic approach, check out our Handstand Mastery Course!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Front Bird


Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

For today’s post, we’ll be looking at the Front Bird Tutorial. Noga goes over quite a few tips involve safety and balance. Be sure that you are ready we the base, the flyer, and the spotter. Watch the video below to learn your first move!

Increase your flexibility and stabilization with the Tiger Bend.

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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