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Mini-Handbalancing Work for a Mini-Holiday

Usually I am able to send out a post from my studio space in Sunnyvale, California; but today I’m sending out good vibes from Sunny Los Angeles while taking a mini getaway vacation. A couple of fun things involved checking out the KTOWN Night Market and today its all about hanging and training at Santa Monica Beach!

Which brings me to my next point. How do you make yourself work on your skills or even skill development while away?

Finding time to work on your skills in an unfamiliar place can be a difficult.

Luckily for me, my morning routine is pretty much set internally whether I’m surrounded by familiarity  or by new and epic experiences.

Although, just like any trip, preparation can be key and obviously we’re here to help!

So here are a few tips to get you going!

  1. We all know that you probably have a set list of things that you want to do while you’re away. So make sure you add a block of time for your training when you know you’ll get it done without distractions. If you think forward, you’ll be better prepped.
  2. Add a fitness tracker app to your phone. There are a lot of good ones out there that will keep you accountable, even when you’re not on a normal schedule.
  3. Final tip, check out the local parks. Likelihood is that there will be a good one a mile or two away from you if you’re in a city. This sets you up for a nice warm up run and cool down for your session,


Some of you might be away from everything. Out in the middle of nowhere. If you are, then this is the perfect time to perfect your skillwork like your precision jumps or even the handstand pushup!

I hope these tips help you get a headstart to being healthy and active on your downtime. If you need some help on what skill to develop, check out logan performing the Handstand Pushup below!

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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Super-Stabilization for your inverted work!

Have you ever tried to do a handstand and held it for a second only to fall once again? Maybe you got into the movement only to immediately fall back into the ground. The key to staying up doesn’t just involve your strength but also your motor control. You should feel aligned and be confident in your stabilization.

This can be a tricky thing. especially when your goal is to both lengthen certain parts of your body while at the same time shorten other parts.

So what can you do? Well I’ve got an exercise that can help you understand and walk that fine line.

The One-Armed Superman Plank.

Here are a couple of key points to think about.

Lengthening is important in this exercise, so make sure that you are outstretching your extended arm as much as possible.

Another key point is your alignment. So work hard to keep the outstretched bicep next to the ear and try your best to keep your hips parallel to the floor.

I know its going to be hard, but you can do this.

Finally, to really dig in, check the video below!

If you want to gain an in-depth approach to your handstands, check out the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart System Now!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon
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Breathing While Inverted

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Today I’m going to be going over some points to help you with your  breathing. Whats funny is that these tips can help you even if you’re right side up.

Tip 1
Let yourself in the space that you are going to breathe naturally. Starting off in the right framework is a great way to initiate your instinctive nature to do whats needed.

Tips 2 and 3
Second, take a look at your alignment. Is your spine and neck straight? You can align your spine by keeping your biceps by your ears and also relieve possible tension on your neck by looking straight ahead and not down.

Tip 4
The final tip is to not overthink your breathing. If you’re too focused on it, you might unconsciously hold your breath. So to combat this, try talking to somebody or even singing!

This post involved some pretty quick tips. To illustrate the information, I’m trying out a new way of delivering the information in a more cinematic fashion.  Check it out in the video below!

If you want to gain an in-depth approach to your handstands, check out the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart System Now!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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A Gymnastic Skill: The Front Walkover

When you learn how to move, many variations start to become available to you. The transition between your limbs becomes an art form.

Lets take hand balancing at two of its base variations. The handstand itself and cartwheel. These are the two inversions that we all tend to start with. I’d wager that a good amount of us began with the cartwheel before the handstand because it gave us a clear pathway to return to.

A good way to test your movement capability is to run through different planes of motion. A more difficult possibility move from the cartwheel would be the Front Walkover. If you look below you’ll see a composite picture of Diane Robinson performing the move with ease.


A vintage magazine called Acro-Chat lays down some quick instructions for you. The correct way to do a two arm walkover. Notice the arms are straight all the way through, the legs are extended and split as much as possible, the back is arched tightly with the head and arms trailing as she stands upright.

Now a word of caution, this move does take a large amount of flexibility in both the back and legs. Although its not dangerous, you might end up falling a couple of times in the beginning.

You can also perform a back walkover which is done moving backwards. Just follow the pictures from right to left and you’ll get the idea.

Quick note: These moves are not to be confused with the handspring or back handspring. Though the motion is much the same, except for going off of two legs instead of one, there is another big difference. Your hands will touch the ground before both your feet leave it in a walkover. Handsprings involve leaving the feet to get up in the air before your hands touch down.

If you tested the front walker and see that it might be out of your range, try experimenting with different movement patterns to increase your acumen. If you still need help, try picking up the Gold Medal Bodies Vitamin Program!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno


Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon
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Awesome Abs Exercises 2 – The Hollow Body Hold

Two key Abdominal Exercises to train your core in order to handle to the handstand. In the last section I discussed an exercise that you probably don’t always attribute with the handstand, the Superman Plank.

Today we are going to be going over the inverse of that. This exercise is a staple among gymnastic or athletic movement. Needless to say, the handstand is a definite inclusion into that category.

Lets introduce the Hollow Body Hold.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

For the Hollow Body Hold, lie on your back and tighten your abdominals while driving your lower back to the floor.

Extend your arms above your head while keeping your core engaged.

Once you’ve held this position, extend your leg away from your body and lift them away from the floor. Make sure that you point your toes and squeeze your legs together.

For an added touch of alignment, roll your shoulders off of the floor while keeping the body engaged.

There you go guys if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to contact us and one final thing. Don’t forget to pick up The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Abs Exercises now!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno


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Awesome Abs Exercises 1 – Superman Plank

Previously I stated that you can’t become an excellent hand balancer without a strong core.

How do you achieve that? Do normal sit-ups and leg raises cut it? To work on a  strong core with a clean and extended line I have two Exercises for you…

The Superman Plank and the Hollow Body Hold. These two exercises get you to engage the core muscles in an extended fashion. One has more focus on the anterior side and the other on the posterior side. So you become sandwiched in a strong locked position.

Lets start with the Superman Plank

To get into a superman plank, start in a basic plank position with your hips tucked, your glutes engaged and your back straight.

Be sure to start in the extended arm position. Walk your hands forward until they are at the farthest  position above your head with out breaking form.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Hold this from anywhere between 20 seconds to a minute. If you would like to test yourself, try for even longer!

Give this drill a try and let us know how you do. In the next installment, I’ll be talking about the hollow body hold.

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

P.S. To learn more awesome abdominal exercises, get The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Abs Exercises now!

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The Abdominal Acrobat

I’m going to start this off with a Powerful Statement.

You will NEVER become an excellent hand balancer or acrobat without having incredibly strong abs. The Core is King; or Queen for that matter.

The focus to achieve this on the core is not to get the holy grail six pack (although the side benefit is nice), but to train your body as one unit. Does this sound familiar? It should because that’s exactly what you need do pull off any hand balancing stunt.

The abdominals help to lock you in and keep the hold or stabalized for transitionary movements like the Straddle Press!

Over the next week, I’ll be going over ways to strengthen your core to achieve powerful acrobatic abdominals!

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

P.S. If you can’t wait to build acrobatic adbominals, get The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Abs Exercises now!

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The Straddle Press Up

Lets see if you’ve noticed a theme here.
Over the past week I’ve been talking about a specific treasure of knowledge. The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.
In the last entry I gave you a technique found in the book that you would be able to test out. Today, I’m giving you another go-to. This installment involves the Straddle Press Up.
If you need an idea of what it looks like, here is a variation from Logan.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon
Sit along a set of parallel bars, or on chair legs with the chair lying on its back, spread the legs apart as far as they will go. With the knees rigid, and toes pointed; catch hold of the legs of the chair just in front of your legs.
Close up, hold the chest high, and stiffen the arms with elbows straight. Then lift the shoulders as high as possible, and lean forward; taking all the weight on the arms and press up to the handstand. As your legs are rising, point the toes, and gradually bring the legs together.
Just as you are up all the way in the balance, hold this a couple of seconds, then lower down slowly with the body and legs straight. You should feel as though you were going to hold the planche, but instead go slowly all the way down through the planche until the feet are on the floor; or in a sitting position, as you started.

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

P.S. Take a look at the past to develop your hand balancing journey with The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.

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The Tiger Bend

The Tiger Bend!

On top of being a skill to work towards on its own, the tiger bend is also a good way to work up to a full on handstands. Since you are resting on your entire lower arm and hand you have a bigger base with which to balance.

When you get over the fact that it can be an odd position to try and get into, the benefits of the tiger bend start to shine. All the main points of holding a handstand are still there, like keeping tight, but you may have to arch your back a little more for this one.

Though it is a lateral move to the handstand, its also an advanced move that can increase the control and variety of skills you have in your library. It involves going from the Forearm Stand up into a Handstand. With a little overbalancing and strong triceps you can get there.

Since this is a move that can’t be pulled off quickly, here are two easier ways. Do the negative movement which is dropping from a Handstand into a Forearm Stand. When you go for this don’t just fall into the position but control it as much as possible.

You can also do Tiger Bend Pushups. Get in a normal pushup position except you are resting on your forearms instead of the hands. Without any rocking motion pushup on to your hands to the top position and lower back down.

These moves aren’t performed often but that doesn’t mean they aren’t great.

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

P.S. For the more advanced inverted artist, you can try to duplicate Johnny Weber’s one arm Tiger Bend. Find out how to do it in The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing. The picture above is of Sig Klein from the same book.


Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon
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The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing

For many people, today is a special day. I’m not going to get too deep into it, but it does involve a heart, candy, and maybe some stuffed animals.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

What I am going to get into is a book on hand balancing that can be used as a starting point to learning the handstand correctly as well as a look into the history of hand balancing. This book is called The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.

The authors of the book, Professor Paulinetti and Robert L. Jones, have a combined experience of 70+ years practicing and teaching hand balancing and gymnastics. In the 1940’s they wrote THE book on this art.

Although we have many guides of information here, this book gives you an inside look at how this skill gained a following in the earlier years. This book is filled with information and insight on hand balancing

Happy Valentines Day and pick up The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing today!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno


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