Tag Archives | mobility

The Monkey Stall and your first freestanding handstand!

First off you’re probably wondering what a monkey is. Well its a foundational movement pattern from the folks at GMB or Gold Medal Bodies.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

If you’ve been following LAOHB, you know two things.

  1. I like to joke around.
  2. I’m a big fan of their style of training.

So lets get back to the subject at handy. The monkey and your first freestanding handstand.

Usually when a person attempts their first handstand they place their hands on the ground and drive their legs up with the hope that they stay inverted. This can be scary for most people and can be a bit difficult to control when you are starting out. The reason being that you’re utilizing your strong posterior muscle groups to drive and then change to stabilize with hopes that you don’t fall on your back or on your face.

By a mix of training clients, personal training, and utilizing the GMB Method; I think I might have found an easier way to get up into the handstand without so much fear.

This is where the monkey comes in.

While the monkey is a locomotive pattern, its focus is on lateral movement. So while you are moving laterally, you can use your stronger muscle groups to focus on stabilizing. Its a simple answer to a scary question.

To illustrate I have another funny video below. I hope you like it and gain something new to play with!

To learn more about the monkey and the GMB Method, check out the GMB Elements Program

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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Mini-Handbalancing Work for a Mini-Holiday

Usually I am able to send out a post from my studio space in Sunnyvale, California; but today I’m sending out good vibes from Sunny Los Angeles while taking a mini getaway vacation. A couple of fun things involved checking out the KTOWN Night Market and today its all about hanging and training at Santa Monica Beach!

Which brings me to my next point. How do you make yourself work on your skills or even skill development while away?

Finding time to work on your skills in an unfamiliar place can be a difficult.

Luckily for me, my morning routine is pretty much set internally whether I’m surrounded by familiarity  or by new and epic experiences.

Although, just like any trip, preparation can be key and obviously we’re here to help!

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

So here are a few tips to get you going!

  1. We all know that you probably have a set list of things that you want to do while you’re away. So make sure you add a block of time for your training when you know you’ll get it done without distractions. If you think forward, you’ll be better prepped.
  2. Add a fitness tracker app to your phone. There are a lot of good ones out there that will keep you accountable, even when you’re not on a normal schedule.
  3. Final tip, check out the local parks. Likelihood is that there will be a good one a mile or two away from you if you’re in a city. This sets you up for a nice warm up run and cool down for your session,


Some of you might be away from everything. Out in the middle of nowhere. If you are, then this is the perfect time to perfect your skillwork like your precision jumps or even the handstand pushup!

I hope these tips help you get a headstart to being healthy and active on your downtime. If you need some help on what skill to develop, check out logan performing the Handstand Pushup below!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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Super-Stabilization for your inverted work!

Have you ever tried to do a handstand and held it for a second only to fall once again? Maybe you got into the movement only to immediately fall back into the ground. The key to staying up doesn’t just involve your strength but also your motor control. You should feel aligned and be confident in your stabilization.

This can be a tricky thing. especially when your goal is to both lengthen certain parts of your body while at the same time shorten other parts.

So what can you do? Well I’ve got an exercise that can help you understand and walk that fine line.

The One-Armed Superman Plank.

Here are a couple of key points to think about.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Lengthening is important in this exercise, so make sure that you are outstretching your extended arm as much as possible.

Another key point is your alignment. So work hard to keep the outstretched bicep next to the ear and try your best to keep your hips parallel to the floor.

I know its going to be hard, but you can do this.

Finally, to really dig in, check the video below!

If you want to gain an in-depth approach to your handstands, check out the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart System Now!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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Breathing While Inverted

Today I’m going to be going over some points to help you with your  breathing. Whats funny is that these tips can help you even if you’re right side up.

Tip 1
Let yourself in the space that you are going to breathe naturally. Starting off in the right framework is a great way to initiate your instinctive nature to do whats needed.

Tips 2 and 3
Second, take a look at your alignment. Is your spine and neck straight? You can align your spine by keeping your biceps by your ears and also relieve possible tension on your neck by looking straight ahead and not down.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Tip 4
The final tip is to not overthink your breathing. If you’re too focused on it, you might unconsciously hold your breath. So to combat this, try talking to somebody or even singing!

This post involved some pretty quick tips. To illustrate the information, I’m trying out a new way of delivering the information in a more cinematic fashion.  Check it out in the video below!

If you want to gain an in-depth approach to your handstands, check out the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart System Now!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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The Cossack or Side to Side Squat

In continuing with the theme of the squats, here is a nice variation that you’ve probably seen and utilized although without really digging down deep into the benefits that come along with utilizing this exercise. The skill I’m referring to is the Cossack Squat.

The Cossack Squat or Side to side squat has a range of benefits that aren’t attainable with the normal bodyweight squat. First of all, its a multi-planar movement pattern. When you move through the side to side squat you run through flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal, and external rotation of the hips. You’re pretty much targeting both the sagittal and frontal planes with this power packed excercise. Needless to say, that’s a whole bunch going on with one exercise and personally for me, it brings nostalgia involving the old martial arts days.

The hips and shoulders are of the most mobile joints that we have in our bodies. Being able to move through full range of motion in the joint capsule helps improve you functional range but might also deter you from some aches and pains down the road.

The types of pains that you could be saving yourself could be the lower back, knees, and even the hips themselves.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

I suggest you test out the variation of the squat and see for yourself why its an important movement exercise.


Don’t forget, we still have The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Bodyweight Squats and Pistols for you to build out on your squatting skills!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

P.S. Do yourself a favor and look up Cossack Dance in google if you want to see where this move originates from.

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Legendary Strength Lockups


Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Hey everybody! In today’s post, I went back into the archives and caught a great tutorial by Logan on how to start developing single arm chin-ups. He calls these drills lockups.


You start off with a single ring or pull up bar. Begin in an alternating grip position. Whichever hand you are going to preform the lock-up with, you’ll use the opposite hand only a baseline support. Gauge yourself and try not put too much weight on the support hand.


Once you’ve locked up at the top end, complete the rep by releasing the hand and controlling the drop like a normal chin up.


Now the final addition is to turn each rep into a negative so you can begin to build your maximal strength!

Check out Logan performing his Lockups below!

March is the month to get yourself in tune with your body, so be sure to pick up the Advanced Bodyweight Training Bundle!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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Are Handstands Possible at an Older Age?


Hey everybody.  Every now and then we get some feedback on not just how do start balancing with your hands, but also is it attainable at an older age. Luckily while browsing through the archives I was able to find Logan’s opinion on the subject.  Mindful movement is the key. So, if this is an endeavor you want to jump into, listen to your body and watch the video below for tips.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Now that you’ve watched the video, we found an excellent example of performing acrobatics as an older adult. This gentleman’s name is Lee Mowatt and if I remember right, he did this video at 64 years old(don’t fully quote me on that!)


Take a look at his stabilization and control below.

If you want to get better at your mindful movement pick up our Advanced Bodyweight Training Bundle!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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AcroYoga Beginner Tutorial – Therapeutic Flying

Hey Everyone! You know that there have been quite a few posts on Acroyoga this month. With it being Valentines (and Deadpool for those of you who caught my Saturday email) month we felt it would be great to showcase a different type of hand balancing with a partner. In today’s post, Noga is going to go over a more therapeutic side of acroyoga involving thai massage!


The first position has the base posting on the hips and shoulders of the flyer. They then bend their knees independently or together to open up the flyer’s hips. The flyer should stay relaxed the entire time.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon


Up next are flyer circles. The base will take the flyer into forward and back circular pattern to open up the shoulder and hips with increasing leverage.


In the next position, Noga runs her flyer through a spinal twist to gain an inverted thoracic stretch.


Another stretch is to have the flyer elongate their spine while the base lengthens their position from the ground,


Noga goes through many more positions in the video that you can catch below!

One last thing! Flexibility and core stabilization is key for both the flyer and the base. So don’t forget that Logan and I have a special February deal for the advanced bridging course. Increase your core strength and mobility by going here!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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1 Min Tip: Acrobatic Attributes – Shoulder Opener

Hey Guys! Here’s the next update to our Acrobatic Attributes series of videos to help give you a better foundation! One of the keys to that foundation is to have loose muscles that can react and move in 3d. The Shoulder Opener Stretch is a great way to open up your shoulders and increase mobility to your posterior side while up in an inverted position!


The Shoulder Opener is a great way to open up your rhomboids, traps, scapula, and lats.


One of the key factors to doing the move correctly is to make sure the shoulders stay in a neutral position. You can easily accomplish this by placing your shoulder blades on a wall and using that as a focus point.


Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Pull one arm across the mid-line of your chest and use the opposing arm to pull it in place. Rather than pressing the arm towards your body, think about pulling your arm to the opposite side.(For my martial arts folks, think sticky hands!)


You can watch the 1 min tip here!

Don’t forget a lot of these great tips were inspired by our friends from Gold Medal Bodies. So if you are looking to really develop your foundational range of motion and flexibility for acrobatics, check out the GMB Focused Flexibility program here: https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/go/focusedflexibility/

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